Aikido Manual

Hellenic Aikido Aikikai
Fukushinkan Arcadia Dojo
Promotion and Advancement
“In your training, do not be in a hurry.  Never think of yourself as an all-knowing, perfected master; you must continue to train daily with your friends and students and progress together in the Art of Peace.” Morihei Ueshiba
  • Kyu grading examinations for the members of  Hellenic Aikido Aikikai take place in Dojos members of HAA and in national instructor seminars. Dan grading examinations for all members of Hellenic Aikido Aikikai take place in Hellenic Aikido Aikikai international seminars.
  • Days of training before each examination should be at least the minimum required.
  • Successful completion of seminars and courses are also taken into consideration.
  • Regardless the days of training, Hellenic Aikido Aikikai  Shihan and head instructors will decide the participation in exams , depending on the spirit, the effort, the behavior, and the technical level required for each examination.
  • A student wishing to test for rank must first accumulate the required minimum practice days.  Once this is achieved he/she should ask the chief instructor to evaluate his/her practice in order to determine if he/she is familiar enough with the required techniques.
  • If permission is granted to prepare for testing, the student should begin concentrating on the required techniques for that rank.  Students should be comfortable performing the techniques and performing the required ukemi when receiving them.  In addition, it is good practice not only to be familiar with the requirements of the rank you wish to attain but those of the next rank as well.  As you advance up the ranks you will still be responsible for knowing all of the previous rank’s requirements.
  • If you need help in preparing for your test, ask your instructor or a senior student.  They will be glad to help.
  • Private Lessons
  • Private lessons may be provided by the chief instructor in order to clarify specific problems.  They are meant to supplement your regular class training, not replace it.  Aikido is a group experience and one can never truly learn Aikido from the shelter and security of private lessons.
  • Testing
  • The purpose of testing is to give the student a passage by which to gauge his/her daily, monthly, and yearly practice.  Tests are meant as an exhibition or demonstration of the student’s level of understanding of Aikido principles and techniques.
  • Preparation for testing should begin well in advance of the actual test.  Don’t wait until the last minute and attempt to cram for it.  If you don’t prepare properly, don’t expect to pass or even be given permission to test
  • If you are considering testing for a rank, you should be very comfortable with the required techniques and the pace with which they should be performed.  Your performance should demonstrate clearly that you have attained the proficiency required of the rank and then some.
  • Testing is sometimes scheduled during or at the end of a seminar.  When you are testing, it is strongly encouraged that you attend as much of that seminar as you can so your practice can be observed and evaluated.  Be prepared to stay through the duration of all the tests.  It is considered bad manners if you leave after your test is completed.
  • Even if you are not testing, you should support those who are by attending the testing.  The best way to show that support is to be in your gi and sitting on the mat.  If you are available for ukemi, bring it to the attention of your instructor.  
  • While testing is in progress, all present should be respectful of the testing procedures.  If you must talk, it should be done quietly.  Keep movement to a minimum.  Walking around, eating, drinking, or lounging is considered rude and distracting to the examiners, the participants, and to others in attendance.
  • Keep in mind that the point of Aikido training is not to focus exclusively on acquiring rank, but rather on bettering your character and relationship to your environment.

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Next Event

Hellenic Aikido Aikikai
proudly presents
Bjorn Eirik Olsen Sensei
7th Dan Aikikai
Seminar 1-3 June 2018
OAKA Stadium, Athens

About HAA

We are the Hellenic Aikido Aikikai. Our aim is to become better persons through the art of Aikido.

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  (+30) 6973.212.207
  HAA Headquarters Eleohori, Tripoli, Arcadia, Greece